Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes) Connecting to the Web - Free Services

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes) Connecting to the Web - Free Services
Email, Imail, Communities, NETConferencing
& Internet Phone Service

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)  Free Email Services

Free email addresses, some with mail forwarding, & other bells & whistles.  MailCity allows collection of email from a number of different addresses all at one time.  Juno is a very clean and simple system for beginners, it requires downloading software.  Yahoo, Bigfoot, ExciteMail & Hotmail have lots of bells & whistles.  Infoseek and other major search engines are also offering email, imail & conferencing services.  

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)   Free Virtual Communities

Free virtual communities with their own free email, homepage, chat, special interest groups, news services & more.  Join a Geocities neighborhood in a virtual city -- the city and neighborhood you choose links you up with people of similar tastes or interests -- Paris is the city of romance, the left bank neighborhood a hang out for artists & savants.  The Globe is a modernistic virtual community.  There are other communities springing up all the time on the web, these are two old favorites to get started with.   

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)  Free Instant Messaging & NETConferencing

These services provide software & support for instant messages ["im's"] -- allowing you to talk directly with another user -- no matter where they are -- for free.  Geocities, the Globe, Netscape, Infoseek, Yahoo and others also offer free conferencing & chat room services which allow more than two people to talk ["chat"] directly [in "real time"].

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes)  Instant messaging by Netscape and Infoseek   

netscim.gif (766 bytes)


Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes)  ICQ.com   ICQ is a great "instant message" service

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes)logo_min.gif (891 bytes)Chat  -  Chat room services are available at a number of communities

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)  Free Internet Phone Service

Free phone calls from computer to computer, you'll need a microphone and the free software

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes)logo_min.gif (891 bytes) Messenger Service - call computer to computer and talk for free

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes)   FireTalk is another free Internet phone service

Copyright 1997-2002  T. Steele, In To It Planning Associates, Inc.