Free Hit Counters

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes)  If you have web pages then you will want to know how many times people look at them - so you will need a "hit" counter

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes)  Programs like Microsoft FrontPage will provide you with counters that will tell you not only how many times your pages have been "hit" but also the web address">

Free Hit Counters

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes)  If you have web pages then you will want to know how many times people look at them - so you will need a "hit" counter

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes)  Programs like Microsoft FrontPage will provide you with counters that will tell you not only how many times your pages have been "hit" but also the web address, kind of browser used, date, time, etc. of the hit and the computer making the hit

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes)   There are a number of free services that will place a visitor counter on your pages and deliver "hit" statistics on a regular basis.   We are using LeFastCounter on our homepage, for example.

Get FastCounter for your web site!
fastcounter.gif (228 bytes)


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Copyright 1997-2002  T. Steele, In To It Planning Associates, Inc.