Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes)Links from this site are to search engines and web pages all over the world">


Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes)Links from this site are to search engines and web pages all over the world, they are for quick, free research and they can be printed out from your home or office computer

    Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)Documents on the screen are written in a computer language called HTML

    Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)HTML formats documents for the internet & monitor screen -  they look funny when printed, unless you clean them up some

        Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)If you want down and dirty hard paper copy just print "as is" from your browser

        Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)For more readable copy save & edit in your word processor

        Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)Its easy, when you get the hang of it.

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes)If you wish to print a search result or web page document you can

      I.  Print the entire document from the monitor screen "as is"

      • Click the PRINT button above in your Explorer or Netcape web browser.  The results may look bizarre, with lines widely spaced or cramped together, shortened or broken up unevenly.  Good enough for quick and dirty research, may use a lot of paper as documents can be longer in HTML language than they would be in word processor language.

      II.  If your web browser allows it, print Selected Text from the monitor screen

      • Highlight all or part of the text [by holding down the left button on your mouse and moving the cursor to cover the selected text]; click on the PRINT button above; when the print commands window appears chose Print Selected Text , if it gives that option.  The results may still be bizarre.

      III.  Save All or Selected Text to your word processor or hard drive and Print

      • Highlight all or part of the text;
      • Copy or Cut the selected text by clicking on the EDIT menu or right clicking your mouse when it is over the selected text and selecting copy or cut in the window that appears
      • Minimize the web browser window by clicking the button in the upper right hand corner of your screen that has the little line in it
      • Open your word processor by clicking on its icon on your Windows desktop, Start Menu, or however you normally open it -- so a new page is on the screen
      • Paste the cut or copied text onto the open page in your word processor & print it as it appears, like you would any other word processing document.  This also saves the research document to your hard drive for future reference.
      • NOTE - The results can still be bizarre because of the formatting in the document left over from the internet language it was created in [HTML for those who care].

      IV.  Save to word processor & Edit to remove formatting codes & correct text

      • Edit the document text & formatting in your word processor before printing.  First, save the document to your word processor as described above.
      • Edit the document text and formatting using the EDIT menu in your word processor. 
      • This includes using the Find and Replace functions under EDIT on the menu bar at the top of your screen in Word Perfect 7.0 and 8.0.  We have not used Word at this time.  This function will find the offensive formatting codes and modify, eliminate, or selectively eliminate those formatting codes that  are causing the document to have irregular line spacing or other formatting problems.

        For Example:

      • Supreme Court cases from West will usually print out on an 8 1/2 x 11" page and look good.
      • US Code sections from the House of Representatives site will not look good.  Extra line spacings and line returns, shortening line length & making documents fit the computer's monitor screen truncate lines and leave odd spacings when printed.  The formatting codes can be removed by opening the EDIT menu and doing the following:

      Editting formatting in Word Perfect 7.0 & 8.0

        • select EDIT from the menu bar at the top of the Word Perfect screen
        • select Find and Replace
        • select MATCH
        • select CODES in the drop down menu that appears under MATCH
        • scroll the list of codes for HRt [hard return] and click to highlight this code, click Insert
          • [now the codes window should disappear and [HRt] should appear in the find box in the Find and Replace window]

        • make sure the Replace window line says <nothing>; or something like this
        • select Replace All or Replace Next, the program will automatically remove all of the HRt codes or will take you to the next HRt code and ask you if you want to replace it or not, and continue.  It is a lot easier to eliminate all the offensive codes and go back and add a few hard returns wherever you want to clean up the document.
        • Print the document.

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes)Editing and formatting in Microsoft Word --  We have not developed a set of instructions for  Microsoft Word at this time


  Computers, Web & the Law 

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Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000  T. Steele, In To It Planning Associates, Inc.