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bulblu.gif (887 bytes)  Picture.EXE is a real Trojan  -   attached to email circulated during December 1998  - see the Virus Alerts and download the detection and cleaning files from McAfee and Norton

bulblu.gif (887 bytes) Here is the text">


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bulblu.gif (887 bytes)  Picture.EXE is a real Trojan  -   attached to email circulated during December 1998  - see the Virus Alerts and download the detection and cleaning files from McAfee and Norton

bulblu.gif (887 bytes) Here is the text, for those who have never seen one, of the anti-virus alert (from Symantec) for Picture.EXE:

"PictureNote.Trojan a malicious program, which [is] often referred to as trojan horse program. Please note that PictureNote.Trojan does not have capability to spread like a virus. This program has been sent out to many Internet users through email anonymously. This was reported around the last of December 1998. The file attached to this email was usually named PICTURE.EXE.

When PICTURE.EXE copies itself into the WINDOWS directory as NOTE.EXE. It also modifies a file called WIN.INI in the WINDOWS directory and setup[s] the "run" parameter to execute NOTE.EXE. When Windows is rebooted, NOTE.EXE is automatically executed and tries to search for America Online user information on the computer which may automatically get emailed to specific email address. Hence, this trojan may steal your American Online password information."

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Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000  T. Steele, In To It Planning Associates, Inc.