
Virus, Trojan Horse & Hoax Information Links

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Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes) Internet 101 - very basic introduction to viruses, Trojan horses & hoaxes

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes) University of Tampere, Virus Research Center   -  for advanced users, worldwide links

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes) IBM's antivirus online - full service & info site, working with Symantec to fight viruses and stop the spread of hoax warnings

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes) Norton/Symantec AntiVirus Research Center - complete anti-virus services and virus & hoax updates

bulblu.gif (887 bytes)  Viruses:  An Executive Brief  -  Symantec White Paper

bulblu.gif (887 bytes)  Symantec's Virus FAQs

bulblu.gif (887 bytes) Symantec's Virus Hoaxes

bulblu.gif (887 bytes) Send a suspected virus to Symantec - handles Macintosh & Windows files

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes) Dr. Solomon's AntiVirus Pages  -   full service anti-virus software & info

bulblu.gif (887 bytes) Guidelines for an Anti-Virus Policy  and All About Viruses
          Dr. Solomon's Technical Papers

bulblu.gif (887 bytes) Dr. Solomon's Virus Central  -   what to do if you think you have a virus

bulblu.gif (887 bytes) Send a suspected file to Dr. Solomon's v-sample address

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes) Datafellows Virus Information Center - anti-virus services, info & virus news updates

bulblu.gif (887 bytes) Datafellows Hoax Alert  - working to identify and eliminate hoaxes

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes) AntiViral Toolkit Pro Virus Encyclopedia - advanced user info on all types of viruses, Trojan horses & hoaxes

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Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000  T. Steele, In To It Planning Associates, Inc.