Connecting to ISPs & On-line Services

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes) To connect to the Internet & Web you need to

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)belong to an on-line service like AOL">

Connecting to ISPs & On-line Services

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes) To connect to the Internet & Web you need to

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)belong to an on-line service like AOL, Compuserve, Microsoft Network, etc. or

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)have an "Internet service provider" (ISP) connecting your computer, via your phone line and modem, to the Internet and web (WWW)

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)Locating an ISP can be a real problem for beginners so we have tried to simplify that process

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes)"The List" is an index of ISPs that searches for companies in your area code

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)Cost should be about $20.00 per month, including a free web site/homepage and other services

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)The ISP should provide you with an easy to fill out application and answer questions by phone & email - technical support should be available 24 / 7 and is a must for beginners

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes)   Contact Earthlink

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes) Earthlink is established and has a good track record.   Earthlink offers local dial-up connections throughout the United States and international local number dial-up access for when you are traveling in foreign cities.

blue_bullet.gif (1015 bytes)  For connections through a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) contact Earthlink or PacBell (1- 888- 884- 2DSL)

Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000  T. Steele, In To It Planning Associates, Inc.