Create Your Own Web Pages

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes) Free web page design help and hosting is available all over the world wide web

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes) Here are sites offering free memberships">

Create Your Own Web Pages

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes) Free web page design help and hosting is available all over the world wide web

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes) Here are sites offering free memberships, free web page hosting and free help with web page design -

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes) Tripod will access lots of information, help and graphics for your homepage construction work

tripodsh.jpg (8882 bytes)
Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes) Geocities is a fun site with lots of interesting pages, you chose a community for artists or business or whatever for your homepage

geocitysh.jpg (9043 bytes)

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)The Globe is another cool "online community" with free web pages, email, etc.

theglobesh.gif (4428 bytes)

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes) Free domain name registration & 25 mb web site if you can use FTP, no dial-up service, this is great for beginners & pros at WebJump

webjumpsh.gif (4071 bytes)

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes) You may already own web page production software and not know it

Sphere_greenSM.gif (1127 bytes)Word Perfect 7.0+, Word 97+, Netscape Navigator, AOL all create web pages

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes) Remember   -  Internet Service Providers (ISPs) now provide web page hosting as part of their monthly services

Sphere_yellowSM.gif (1147 bytes) Contact by email if you need help with web page design, uploading to a web host or all other web page problems


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Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000  T. Steele, In To It Planning Associates, Inc.