THE DESKTOP -- This is a Windows 95/98 Desktop.

THE TASK BAR -- The bar at the bottom of the screen is called the Task Bar.

START BUTTON & START MENU -- The Start button on the bottom left">



THE DESKTOP -- This is a Windows 95/98 Desktop.

THE TASK BAR -- The bar at the bottom of the screen is called the Task Bar.

START BUTTON & START MENU -- The Start button on the bottom left, when clicked, will give a pop up menu called the Start Menu.

SYSTEM TRAY -- The small area in the lower right hand corner is referred to as the System Tray. This tray holds icons that lead to various programs that may be set up to be visible in the System Tray. The speaker icon and time information are standard items that are found in the System Tray, until you cofigure it differently.

SPEAKER VOLUME -- Clicking on the speaker in the lower right corner will pop up a "window" which contains the settings for the speakers, if you have them.

SETTING THE TIME -- You can configure the Desktop settings to view the time or remove the time clock in the lower right hand corner, see Task Bar Settings. Double clicking on the time will pop up a window that allows you to set the time and change time zone settings.

ICONS -- Icons are graphic images that provide a short cut to a program or file when you click on them [see the little images on the blue sky background on the Desktop above]. You can change icons in a number of ways.

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Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000  T. Steele, In To It Planning Associates, Inc.